5 Verticals

Online real estate can be divided into 5 types of businesses. First are sites that allow people to search the MLS (multiple listing service). Second is the field of property valuations.

Go Direct

Most people marketing online continue to operate with the assumption that conversion is based on some magic formula of pay per click or mass emailing.

What is SEO really?

There are 3 ways to achieve search engine optimization. First, one can streamline their site and content using best practices. Second, one can employ a middle-man to find authority links to point back to your site.


I often get asked what kind of people use our free FSBO (for sale by owner) sites. The demographic of our portals includes not just sellers and buyers,

Pay It Forward

Having a hard time finding new clients? Looking for a better way to attract visitors to your site? Tired of expensive search engine clicks? There are already a number of excellent directories and portals online that cater to the audience you are seeking.

Mortgage Notes

It seems everyone is looking for discounted mortgage notes. Investors are not in short supply. Dealmakers with connections to the distressed properties are.

Nothing Important

It is not news that it is getting tougher to make a living as mortgage broker and real estate agent. There are many factors to blame,


Brad Inman, a visionary innovator, ponders in his blog about the next big idea for Web 2.0 real estate. Ripe for change, I believe,

Occupational Hazard

After too many addictive years of clicking, my eyes are beginning to feel it. Had I instead been as passionate about jogging, I guess I’d be complaining now about my ankles and back.

Moment of Weakness

I never thought when I started this blog, that I’d wind up joining Facebook. All this community networking stuff is contagious, enlightening,

President Harry Truman and FSBOs

I’m unsure if Harry Truman ever bought and sold a home by owner, but I admire a quote that is attributed to him. He said: "I have never seen pessimists make anything work,